Practical tips, tricks, recipes, and decoration ideas to help you throw a kick-ass party.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kids and Your Grown-up Party

If I were writing this post three years ago, it would be a different post. But I had a child two and a half years ago, and since then my views on this topic (and pretty much everything in my life) have changed.

Should you invite kids to your grown up party? It’s kind of a loaded question, isn’t it? So many feelings to consider. Will I offend childless people if there are kids running around the party? Will my friends with children skip the party entirely if they can’t bring their children? Do I really want a bunch of little hellions jumping on my sofa? Is it appropriate to have children around where the adults are consuming alcohol?

1. Invite children. If your friends have little ones, the kids are a big part of their lives! Embrace it and make your party a family-friendly event.

2. Invite children, but segregate them from the rest of the guests. For example, have pizza and video games in the basement while the parents nosh fancy apps upstairs. Can’t completely prevent the little ones from trying to be right where there parents are, but an attractive enough distraction might help. Especially if a couple older kids are enlisted to watch the little ones. Or better yet, hire a couple teenage babysitters.
3. Don’t invite children and ensure that all your guests have a leisurely, grown-up time. If it’s a cool enough party, parents won’t mind hiring a babysitter for the night.

So, I will start with the parent perspective. If costs $6-$15 an hour for a babysitter. If I come to your party and hire a babysitter, it will cost me $40. Yikes. Sometimes, I’m willing to pay that kind of money to have a night out with my husband. But I can tell you, in this economy, we don’t splurge like that very often. Also, while I am at your party, I will be worried about what’s going on at home.

We had a couple options for New Year’s Eve this year. The one we said “yes” to stated in the invitation that “Children are invited and there are places for them to sleep upstairs when they tire out.” WOW. No babysitter to pay. I actually get to spend the holiday with my toddler. And I get to spend the holiday with my friends. I can stay as late as I want.

I figured my kiddo would wear an adorable New Year’s Eve hat, tucker out at 8:30, and my husband and I would be ready to rejoin the party before half of the guests even showed up. NO SUCH LUCK. We spent half the party trying to get her to stay in bed. Stories, begging, scolding… caving in and letting her come back to the party. The two-year old finally crashed at 11:45pm after dancing for thirty minutes straight. Arrghhh!!! And we were too tired after that trauma to stay at the party past 12:30.

Believe it or not, this toddler was being supervised by an adult at the time this photo was taken.

From the non-parent perspective (because I’m really not a fan of other people’s kids), I don’t mind seeing you child look cute for an hour or so, if they are well-behaved. If they are whining and crying though – please, just leave. I am at a party (and maybe even paid for a babysitter for my own kid) so that I could have a nice night out.

I really like the idea of the host accommodating the children, while keeping them separate from the adults. The kids get their own little party. This is especially true if guests are coming from out of town (Where the heck do you expect them to put their kids? Drop them off at McDonald’s Playland for five hours?), or if the event is a fundraiser (Don’t want guests to spend all their disposable income on a babysitter; you want them to spend money for the cause!)


1. If you don’t have kids, but have friends who are bringing children to your party, hit up Goodwill, Toys R Us, or a garage sale and purchase a couple age-appropriate toys or movies. Kids LOVE playing with someone else’s toys. Your friends with kids will be overcome with your thoughtfulness of providing entertainment for their offspring. Bonus for you, you will get to have more uninterrupted time with your friends!

2. If this is a BIG event, like a wedding or a fundraiser, it would be great to have a room, away from the main party, where the kids could hang out. Hire a couple teenage babysitters to watch the young‘uns while their moms and dads have a great time at the adult party. Find a couple crafts or activities that will keep the kids busy for awhile. Bring in a puppy or hamster they can play with. Provide fun food such as pizza, pop, and cookies – things they might not normally get at home. Make it a movie party with a big screen TV and lots of pillows and popcorn. By the way, if the food in the kids’ room isn’t good, they’ll just sneak out to the adult party and eat all the maraschino cherries at the bar.

3. Four words: FENCED IN BACK YARD. And stay out, you little hoodlums! Mommy’s drinking. (Just kidding.) (Kind of.)

Don't let kids drink the beer. That stuff's expensive!

What do you think, readers? Should children stay home?


  1. This is a tough one...especially since it entirely depends on the kid. I have had children come over who play quietly, provide cute entertainment, and clean up all my dog toys. Sweet! I have also been places where the children are little hellions - I tend to avoid these locations like the plague!

    Unfortunately, the parents of hellions rarely realize this to be the case. My advice is to know your friends: invite the ones who are attentive parents with kids who can act appropriately in a party setting, and don't invite those where it will become a dramatic production.

    Thanks, Kate!

  2. Thanks for the input, Dana. I like to think my kid falls into the "sweet" category, but she's been known to have a couple "hellion" moments!!
