Practical tips, tricks, recipes, and decoration ideas to help you throw a kick-ass party.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Girls Night In Movie Party

Sometimes it's nice to just kick the guys out of the house and have a Girls' Night In. One of the best excuses I've found for this is a DVD Release Party. In addition to providing cheap entertainment, movies instantly create a theme for the night. I'm thinking Sex and the City, the latest Harry Potter, the Sound of Music re-release, or my personal pick, Eclipse (the third Twilight movie). Go ahead and make all the cougar jokes you want, I love the romance and adventure of Bella, Edward, and Jacob! I've hosted parties for the previous two DVD releases, so when Eclipse comes out on Dec. 4, you'd better believe my friends and I will be ready for it!

Step 1 - Choose the movie for your party. Eclipse is actually the perfect choice for Girls' Night. The men in your lives will be more than happy to stay home and even watch your kiddos, as long as they don't have to watch this movie.

Step 2 - Invite friends who love the movie, or at least can appreciate it ironically, or at the very least, won't make fun of your love for it!

Step 3 - Food - Helps to choose a few appetizers that go with the theme. Maybe a dish they serve in the movie. In any case, remember that many women are watching their weight, so always provide a healthy option. On the other hand, this is a party for the ladies, so chocolate or some kind of dessert should definitely be served. For Twilight:Eclipse, I'm making little sugar cookies that have phrases like "Bite Me", "Imprint on Me", and "I *heart* E.C." written on them in icing. It's okay to be nerdy, you're among friends.

Step 4 - Decorations - Alright, so Girls' Night doesn't really demand decor, but your friends will appreciate a couple little touches. Put out a nice tablecloth and make sure all the paper plates and napkins are a fun color that goes with the theme. (Red for Eclipse, with a big bowl of red apples as the centerpiece to evoke the Twilight book cover art. Or maybe a red ribbon circling around the dishes on the table. Or a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Edward. Or not.)

Step 5 - Drinks - Girls' Night demands a great cocktail. Sex in the City - serve cosmopolitans, of course. Harry Potter - maybe a butterscotch schnapps cocktail, reminiscent of Butterbeer? Sound of Music - hmmm... champagne? (The only reason I say that is Liesl's line, "I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne!" Plus, champagne is awesome.) Eclipse - blood red wine.

Step 6 - The (Drinking) Game - Of course you can always substitute M&Ms or something instead of shots if your friends aren't big drinkers, but a Movie-themed drinking game can keep everyone's attention focused on the movie, and can be a laugh riot. Other movies, like Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Sound of Music have developed non-drinking audience participation that you could do instead.

Here are some links to drinking games for popular movies and TV shows out on DVD: (I did the Google search for you!!)


Sex and the City Movie or Sex and the City TV show

Harry Potter


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Non-drinking audience participation movies -

Rocky Horror

Sound of Music and additional prop ideas

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